Thursday, June 4, 2009


Silently (05/06/2009):

Dedicated to my silent readers/followers, in hopes that more of you will come out and give me your well appreciated feedback and criticism :) Also as a thank you gesture for viewing and continuing to support my work, thank you!

I am powerful, I am human!

I Love Kuching City

I Love Kuching City (05/06/2009):

I think I saw someone doing this sign, but can't quite recall. Anyway, I tried my best to model what is supposed to be a K & C, and added some little effects here and there.

Keeping Kuching Klean! (kkk!?)


Sayaka (05/06/2009):

I've been wanting to do a b-girl piece for quite sometime. Here's Sayaka with her scorpion! Credits to Sayaka :)



Jhune (05/06/2009):

June is back, and so is Jhune! Yea he's is a bit emo this year since he's jobless and what not lol

What's on your winter mind?